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After ‘Lame Duck Joe’ Orders Radical New Bill – The Democrat Senate Bursts Biden’s Bubble

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What’s Happening:

The good news is, in just a matter of weeks, Joe Biden will no longer have any power. That’s not because he’s being removed from office, but because Democrats won’t control the House anymore. With Republicans in control of the House, the left won’t be able to ram through any of Biden’s crazy bills.

That hasn’t stopped Biden from acting as if he was still being listened to. Once again, Biden recently made a wild demand to Congress. If obeyed, this would shut down the freedoms of millions of Americans. But Biden just got shut down, by a member of his own party.

From Fox News:

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., threw cold water on President Biden’s hopes to pass an assault weapons ban during the lame duck Congress on Sunday…

Murphy argued that the votes for such a bill are “probably not” there for Democrats, despite the president’s push to enact a ban following a spate of shootings in recent weeks…

Biden reiterated his push on Thanksgiving Day, though appeared to conflate “assault weapons” with all semi-automatic weapons, which make up a large swath of rifle, handgun and shotgun purchases in the U.S. A semi-automatic weapon automatically reloads each shot but only fires one round for each trigger pull.

Sen. Chris Murphy admitted that Joe Biden does not have the votes to pass any kind of firearm ban. While a version of the bill was passed previously in the House, the Senate needs at least 10 Republican votes to pass it.

Even after the runoff election in Georgia and the beginning of the new Congress in January, Biden does not have the votes. Murphy seems to think that if they get “an additional senator” things might be different.

But last time I checked 51 is less than 60. The Senate will still face gridlock with a near-split majority. And with Republicans in control of the House, they will gladly revoke whatever bill Pelosi passed and ensure nothing new will reach Biden’s desk anytime soon.

In reality, a Republican-controlled House is no reason a president can’t get anything done. If Biden had remained true to his moderate history, he could easily negotiate with Republicans to get something passed for Americans.

But from the moment Biden entered office, he was no moderate. He is working out of Bernie Sanders’ radical playbook and has burned any bridges he had left with Republicans. It will be a cold day in you-know-where before McCarthy and Republicans back a Biden bill.

Joe might as well hang up his hat now.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden called for another ban on “assault weapons.”
  • Democrat Chris Murphy admitted that he doesn’t have the votes in Congress.
  • Biden is officially a lame-duck president, who will be unable to pass any bills.

Source: Fox News