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Clarence Thomas Breaks Silence On Joe Biden – Drops His 2020 Supreme Court Hammer

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Biden never saw Clarence Thomas coming – Joe’s speechless!

Clarence Thomas has been a quiet, almost silent, giant of the Supreme Court.

For decades, he’s fought the conservative fight to protect the Constitution. Because of him, we haven’t plunged headfirst into socialism and far-left liberalism.

But he’s silent no more.

Because of his convictions, he’s been the target of Democrat attacks. All the way back during his confirmation hearings, he was slammed. Much the same way Brett Kavanaugh was attacked.

Now, Thomas is exposing the treatment he received by Joe Biden. He’s calling out how the Democrat tried to take him down, all those years ago.

From Washington Examiner:

Justice Clarence Thomas condemned his treatment by the Joe Biden-led Judiciary Committee during his confirmation to the Supreme Court in 1991…

Thomas noted that the Judiciary Committee under Biden’s leadership wanted to target him to protect the court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade. He didn’t mention Biden by name, but he highlighted Biden’s line of questioning about natural law during the hearings.

“I have no idea what he was talking about. I understood what he was trying to do. I didn’t really appreciate it,” he explained.

Back when Thomas was being confirmed to the Supreme Court in 1991, Joe Biden was a senator.

In much the same way Democrats tried to slander Kavanaugh during his hearing, Democrats tried to do the same to Thomas.

Thomas reveals the real reason Democrats opposed him so much was his pro-life views. But they couldn’t openly say that, so they pushed wild accusations that Thomas harassed a woman.

Turns out it was Joe Biden, who led the Democrats’ press, who kept pushing Thomas on Democrats’ litmus test.

Democrats were terrified that Thomas would support a pro-life agenda. So, through Biden, they tried to take him down.

Biden didn’t want to directly confront Thomas, so he kept trying to trip the judge up with questions about “natural law.”

You see, even back then, Democrats didn’t want to be open about their agenda. They couldn’t attack Thomas on this. But they did want him to talk about it himself.

That way, the liberal media could have torched him.

It’s pretty ridiculous. This was a respected judge with a noted record. An African American who achieved great things.

But the left didn’t care. Through Joe Biden, they tried to destroy him.

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Source: Washington Times