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Biden’s DOJ Hands Trump Huge Win And Vindicates Bill Barr, Will Will Continue To Defend Trump In Defamation Lawsuit

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The acting head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, Brian Boynton, just gave Trump some great news that enraged the left. In a new filing with the court, the Department of Justice said they will continue to defend Trump in a defamation lawsuit brought by a woman who accused Trump of raping her at a New York City store.

E. Jean Carroll filed the defamation lawsuit and when Bill Barr and the DOJ defended Trump the left went absolutely bonkers. They said Barr and Trump were abusing their power and the system and now we find out that Barr made the right call as Biden’’s DOJ is doing the exact same thing.

“In making and defending a Westfall Act certification, the Department of Justice is not endorsing the allegedly tortious conduct or representing that it actually furthered the interests of the United States. Nor is a reviewing court making any such determinations in upholding the Department’s certification,” Boynton wrote.

Boynton also stunned the media and said that Trump was acting in the course of his official duties as president when he publicly denied Carroll’s allegations and trashed her in the process.

“Speaking to the public and the press on matters of public concern is undoubtedly part of an elected official’s job,” Boynton wrote. “Courts have thus consistently and repeatedly held that allegedly defamatory statements made in that context are within the scope of elected officials’ employment — including when the statements were prompted by press inquiries about the official’s private life.”

“This is in active litigation, and so we refer you to the Department of Justice concerning its court filings,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said. “The White House was not consulted by DOJ on the decision to file this brief or its contents. While we are not going to comment on this ongoing litigation, the American people know well that President Biden and his team have utterly different standards from their predecessors for what qualify as acceptable statements.”

Carroll was not happy saying: “As women across the country are standing up and holding men accountable for assault — the DOJ is trying to stop me from having that same right. I am angry! I am offended.”

Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, said:

“It is horrific that Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll in a New York City department store many years ago. But it is truly shocking that the current Department of Justice would allow Donald Trump to get away with lying about it, thereby depriving our client of her day in court.

“The DOJ’s position is not only legally wrong, it is morally wrong since it would give federal officials free license to cover up private sexual misconduct by publicly brutalizing any woman who has the courage to come forward,” he said.