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Joe Manchin Just Ruined Biden’s Weekend – The Senator Takes A Major Bite Out Of The President’s Agenda, Says No To Budget

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What’s Happening:

With Congress split 50-50, Democrats need every last member to get their agenda done.

But a constant thorn in their side has been Joe Manchin, moderate from West Virginia.

He has often criticized Joe Biden’s agenda and refused to go along with Schumer’s radical ideas.

There was a chance, however, where it looked like Manchin might budge on major plans pushed by Biden.

It seems like there’s no way that’s going to happen. Manchin’s latest decisions dealt a massive blow in Biden’s plans.

From YouTube:

In an interview on Fox News, Joe Manchin explained he would not be supporting Joe Biden’s radical, $6 trillion spending plan.

The moderate from West Virginia has long called for bipartisan cooperation on infrastructure. Yet, he is unwilling to go along with the left’s plans that would pave the way for much of Biden’s spending plans.

Biden has called everything “infrastructure” in order to bamboozle Americans. He wants to massively expand the welfare state by spending trillions on new government handouts.

But in order to do that, Democrats in the Senate have to railroad Republicans. If they can’t get it done through reconciliation, they promised to kill the filibuster.

Joe Manchin has made it clear he will not budge on the filibuster, the one rule preventing a runaway Democratic Senate.

Manchin also seems unwilling to abuse the reconciliation path to get Biden’s radical agenda through.

He appears to sincerely want bills crafted that require bipartisan negotiations.

And considering the incredible power he wields right now in the Senate, he’s the one Democrat that can force the rest to play ball.

Radical progressive groups have been trying to coerce moderate Democrats to bend to their will. They have especially targeted Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin, hoping they’ll buckle.

But it appears the West Virginia lawmaker will not give in, to anyone.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Manchin tanked Biden’s radical spending agenda in a recent interview.
  • The moderate Democrat revealed he would not agree to Joe’s $6 trillion price tag.
  • He also refuses to budge on killing the filibuster.

Source: YouTube