unique visitors counter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Will Announce She’s Stepping Down “Probably After Next Year’s Midterm Elections” – Washington News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Will Announce She’s Stepping Down “Probably After Next Year’s Midterm Elections”

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Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is reportedly getting ready to step down as House Speaker after the 2022 midterm elections. Pelosi and the Dems are expected to take a drubbing and lose control of the House.

Yesterday, Pelosi’s chances to keep the House under Dem control suffered a near fatal blow as a key Wisconsin Rep, Ron Kind, announced he would retire rather than mount what he considers a losing bid for a 14th term.

A publication devoted to California politics said Pelosi may not even run again: “CaliforniaGlobe is now hearing rumors @SpeakerPelosi is strongly considering not running for re-election. “No desire to serve in minority”; sources say this explains push for infrastructure deal to be completed during what may be her 18th and final term.” 

The Atlantic reported:

Sometime in the not-so-distant future, probably after next year’s midterm elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will announce that she’s stepping down.

Her top deputies, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, aspire to her job, but they’re also in their early 80s, and most Democrats in and out of Congress are counting on them to step aside too.

Of course, they all have stock responses denying that anyone is ever going anywhere.

But the day is coming. For the first time since Barack Obama was a state senator, House Democrats are on the verge of getting new leaders.

And pretty much every Democrat in Congress and beyond is confident that Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York will be the next speaker of the House, if Democrats manage to hold on to their majority next year—or the minority leader if they lose it.

Democratic members of Congress won’t talk about any of this publicly, as if Pelosi might suddenly appear and pull their hearts from their chests.