unique visitors counter LMAO! Demented Biden Rips MASSIVE Fart At Cop26 Climate Summit- “It Was Long And Loud And…” – Washington News

LMAO! Demented Biden Rips MASSIVE Fart At Cop26 Climate Summit- “It Was Long And Loud And…”

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While this is hardly news worthy it’s funny as all hell.😂


We all remember Obama as well as AOC complaining about ‘cow farts’ well demented Biden cut loose a long and loud fart while talking with the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla, the wife of Charles, Prince of Wales during a reception at the useless COP26 Summit.

The COP26 Summit is a gathering of morons that are concerned about global warming, climate change (weather) and reducing emissions.

Well, Biden let off some deadly emissions not only by farting but with his planes and outrageous entourage of reportedly 80 or so gas guzzling vehicles.

Republicans are demanding how much Biden’s trip cost the taxpayers.

Okay, back to Biden’s fart.

An informed source has told The Mail that Camilla was taken aback to hear Biden break wind as they made polite small talk at the global climate change gathering in Glasgow.

“It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,” the source said.

“Camilla hasn’t stopped talking about it.”

At the summit the biggest polluters in the world were no-shows and have no intentions of lowering their emissions.

Apparently Biden has a problem controlling his bowels.

Cassandra Fairbanks at The Gateway Pundit has more:

Just last week, “Poopy Pants Biden” trended on Twitter after reports that the president had a “bathroom accident” while meeting the Pope.

“The word around Rome is that Biden’s meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an “bathroom accident” at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving.

I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now.”

I guess he crapped his pants.

Biden also prompted lots of fart jokes during the 2020 election, when he appeared to let one rip during a live conversation with Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted:

Did @JoeBiden just pull an Eric Swalwell? 🤣


I know that this isn’t exactly BREAKING NEWS but it’s funny as all hell!

Diaper Joe is a complete embarrassment to America on so many levels.

On a more serious note, we have to take our country back from these COMMUNIST maniacs.

America CAN NOT survive with these lunatics in charge.
