WTF? CNN’s Don Lemon Claims He Can SMELL RACISM [VIDEO]
In what has become all too normal, CNN’s Don Lemon lashed out in a ridiculous diatribe claiming he possessed the super human powers to “smell” racism.
Lemon was given an award over the weekend at a gala hosted by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation or GLAAD.
During his acceptance speech, rather than graciously accepting the award, Lemon responded – “Thank you, it’s about time!”
Keep in mind that this is the very same “news” anchor for whom “classy” behavior is clearly first and foremost always.
He is noted for appearing drunk on the air on New Year’s Eve last year, where he was so wasted he actually got an ear piercing on his show.
Then in 2016, he told his then co host, Kathy Griffin she had a “nice rack” on the air.
Gee, where are the feminists and the politically correct? Where are all those social justice warriors talking about so-called “rape culture?”
In 2014, Lemon asked panelists on his CNN show if it was “preposterous” to think a black hole caused a Malaysian flight to go missing. But….but…..but…..THAT’S DIFFERENT!!!
The ungrateful, entitled Lemon then launched a racially laden and sickening diatribe claiming he could “smell” racism.
Lemon stated –
“We have to point out outright bigotry and racism and as a man of color, I certainly know it when I see it. I can smell it coming.”
Lemon went on to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and personally attack President Donald Trump’s decision to keep transgenders out of the military.
The award Lemon received is the GLAAD Davidson/Valentini Award.
The award is given annually at the GLAAD Media Awards ceremony held in San Francisco and named after the first executive director of GLAAD – Craig Davidson and his partner Michael Valentini.
The award is presented to an openly LGBT individual who the organization feels has made a significant difference in promoting equal rights for the LGBT community.
Apparently, GLAAD feels Lemon is that individual.
Lemon in his acceptance speech stated –
“It’s important to stand up to subtle, and blatant, homophobia. To fight for our trans brothers and sisters–their very lives depend on it. They too have served and are serving our country proudly and with distinction. We have to be the voice for our immigrant brothers and sisters, especially the young ones who know no other home than America.
We have to point out outright bigotry and racism. And as a man of color I certainly know it when I see it. I can smell it coming. And to make sure that some uninformed people don’t get confused–that there are no fine or good Nazis or white supremacists anywhere and it’s not about both sides! That’s where we are right now.
But I’m not the only one. There are plenty of people who are fighting. There are plenty of people who are doing the right thing.”
It is interesting to note that GLAAD will not even allow Fox News journalists at their ceremonies or any other Conservative or right leaning journalists either for that matter.
Lemon has most recently accused President Trump of “attempting to re-write history” during a rally in Phoenix. He also made statements on his show in August 2017 accusing all supporters of President Trump of racism –
Lemon stated –
“Anyone who is in that White House and who is supporting him is complicit in their racism as well.”
It seems to be gay and black should automatically qualify one for an award according to the entitled and racist Lemon as he stated –
“I’ve been out for years. I always wondered, when is GLAAD going to give me an award? Damn!”
It is interesting to note that another man, Morgan Freeman, a noted actor, awarded and critically acclaimed for many years with a lengthy resume and films grossing over $8 billion worldwide appeared with Lemon on his show on June 3, 2014.
Freeman is also a black man and proceeded to school Lemon on the topic of racism and income inequality.
Freeman is an amazingly articulate man and spoke volumes of truth to Lemon. It does not appear Lemon took Freeman’s words to heart, however.
Consider this, Freeman came through what most acknowledge as REAL, hard core racism. Born in 1937 in Memphis, Tennessee, and also living in Mississippi, Indiana, and Chicago, he was in his teens and 20s during the nastiest part of the civil rights era.
Jim Crow laws were finally abolished around the time he was 28.
This is a man who saw some of the worst of the worst and with every reason to bitter, angry, and resentful.
Yet he is far from it, plainly and articulately stating racism cannot hold a person back. Freeman proclaims of racism – “It’s a good excuse for not getting there.”
Many of those marching in the streets today screaming “Smash White Supremacy” and “Black Lives Matter” and all manner of other racial epithets have never seen even an ounce of what Freeman has seen in his life time.
Yet he perfectly sums up the issue within seconds, stating – “Making it (race) a bigger issue than it needs to be, is the problem here.”
Don Lemon would do well to heed those words and listen to Morgan Freeman’s VERY wise counsel. Thank you, Mr. Freeman, for truly being an amazing example. You have my utmost respect.
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